Monday, January 14, 2008


big word ain't it? one of the most cherished qualities in a human being. the one thing that plays a massive role in a relationship, be it between family members, partners, friends, acquaintances and even with doctors, teachers, car washers.. whenever and wherever.

building trust is an absolute craft. one mistake could cause a tremor and jeopardize the whole process of achieving it in the first place. sometimes it might not even be a huge deal to start with but still, the impact is there. so now, the billion dollar question..

how do you gain back a lost trust?

probably at one point or another we tend to fall under one of these categories:
  1. forgive and forget
  2. forgive but never forget
  3. forget but never forgive

can we ever be the bigger person? can we ever get pass it?

well, if we cant. maybe we should turn to time for help.


Anonymous said...

I agree that trust is a big issue. Getting a lost trust is hard. But its possible. But some are just not meant to be I guess. Either these people are stubborn, or the things we do affected these people in such a way that the word forgiveness doesn't even exist in their dictionary. But the good news is its everyone's problem.

You are not alone.
We are not alone.

Anonymous said...

Some case, i do practice forgive and forget. But, when it so much touch on heart i do prefer forgive but not forget.

Nora Elina said...

i agree with both. different people, different circumstances.. different healing process.


Anonymous said...

well i've read thru a relationship book kinda stuff the other day..and as stated above..its so true once trust hilang susah nak build up balik the relationship. Even once pun cukup la .. The books cakap..if we want to build back the relationship wif our partner kena 2 ways..the party yg kena cheat has to forgive the party yg cheat (but not necessarily to forget). And the party yg cheated tu has to be prepared to let go all his/her privilege of "P&C" wif the partner. In other words he/she has to be crystal clear in whatever activities yg dia buat... kena bagitau semua benda ..until the other party tu satisfied ..and mula sayang balik it a week, a month, a year , 10 yrs..if sayang and sanggup tunggu .tunggu la ..and sabarr..hehehe.. so moral of the story..dun ever ever ever cheat your partner..if dah tak sayang just say so..but dun cheat.. kan.