Wednesday, April 25, 2012


a poem found by Aunty Ramlah intended for Amin's wedding.
it's too honest not to be shared. =)


I may not be there when I am needed
I may not be strong when I should be
I may not be as romantic and considerate
As I would like to be,
but with your help
we will strive for harmony

what do we have in a marriage?
is it roses, thorns included?
getting married is the bottom
of an uphill drive

some break down for lack of care,
understanding, consideration,
respect, patience
and commitment to make it work

be grateful for each day together
for snatches of happiness
for health,
do not dwell on shortcomings
it poisons the mind
and hardens the heart

be loving even when it is difficult
for those are the moments
when the other needs it most,

make a habit of courtesy
and thoughtfulness
without them love will be eroded

be sparing with sharp words
better left unsaid
apologies will not erase the hurt

discuss difficulties with love
without self pity
without intentions to change the other
but for both to meet at a halfway point

I may not be there when I am needed
I may not be strong when I should be
I may not be as romantic and considerate
As I would like to be
but a life together
is our choice

the path will be rough
strewn with temptations
help me if I waver
from a life together in harmony
which is, Our choice

10 dec 1987

1 comment:

Ruth said...

So beautiful....