It has been forever since I've updated this blog.
Well, didn't quite feel like doing it until someone made a remark that goes something like this, "eh, your blog is no longer active right?".
I replied, "of coz it's active, just no new entries".
So lets try to summarize everything right here.. right now.
- abah's eczema cleared... check
- mom's health... check
- my little lovely niece, beautiful as ever.. check
- office gossip... check
- love life.. check
- great friends... check
- kiddo's surgery.. check
- car's engine... check
- new wallet... check
- new sport shoes... check
- latest good book... check
- coach handbag... check
- proud flowers... check
- new necklace... check
- super hot zippo... check
- night robe... check
- love song cd... check
- tonnes of other cds... check
- tonnes of dvds... check
- new plants... check
- spring cleaning... check
- dell sunshine... check
- movie deal... uncheck, yet.
Well, I did say -'try'.
Conclusion, I'm blessed and grateful for everyone and everything around me.
Thank God.
movie deal? Apakah?
You definitely got your way of writing blog ^-^
better movie deal than a carton ei? ;)
me pening also. ;)
jgn lakon citer sedih lar....
citer seram xper...
wah, tak mahu, nanti ada cop "Suka Hantu" terlekat di dahi ku.
Ada blog sbenornye.
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