Tuesday, September 14, 2010

on the run

Phew.. puas.

It's the first time since we moved here that I've finally merasmikan the swimming pool. As the weather is mendung with a little touch of ray every now and then- i fell into tempting splashes. What was meant to be full laps exercise attempt ended as a syiok sendiri kuak bersepah activity, spent most of the time submerged instead. heh.


A typical filling-up-the-tank-at-the-petrol-station turned out to be more than just a routine, yesterday. As the nozzle was transferring its content into my car, a motorcycle stopped beside me revealing two passengers; a man and a boy.

Man: Assalamualaikum cik
Nora: Waalaikum salam
Man: Maaf cik, saya tak berniat jahat, saya betul-betul nak mintak tolong cik

(I was exchanging glances with the petrol station attendant for security purpose and thus the staff noted)

Nora: Kenapa?

(realizing I was feeling uncomfortable, the man took a step back)

Man: Cik, saya dari Shah Alam, saya dah pusing seluruh shah alam dan dah sampai ke Kuala Lumpur pun, masih tak ada orang nak tolong saya. Anak saya pun dah penat. Saya betul-betul harapkan simpati cik, saya dah tak ada orang lain nak mintak tolong. Tolong la saya cik.

(his eyes started to become glassy with tears)

Man: Isteri saya baru beranak malam semalam- anak keempat. Saya tak cukup duit nak bawak diorang balik, saya perlukan lagi RM143 saja, tadi dekat masjid pun ada orang dapat bagi saya RM10, cik tolonglah saya. Saya perlu pinjam dari cik dulu, cik boleh ambil keterangan I/C saya, nombor telefon saya. Kalau 25 hb saya tak berani janji tapi 28hb saya pasti bayar. Saya janji cik, cik tinggalkan lah nombor telefon, saya pasti akan call. Saya dah betul-betul terdesak.

(heck, im not giving my numbers to strangers! As he was relaying his life story and my tank was still being filled- I looked at him and thought.. why is his kid not wearing a helmet? am I in the process of being conned? is he a dangerous man? does anyone else around here looked to be an accomplice? are there enough people here that could keep me from harms way?.. so on, so forth)

this is a well lit petrol station which is situated at sprint highway, traffic was flowing and there were a lot of people looking at us. The attendant was also on standby as he understood the earlier gaze that I had given him. Contemplating whether or not to believe and participate in this desperate attempt for money, I told him to wait while I head inside the kiosk to purchase a drink. As I walked towards the store, I felt as someone was watching my every move- there he was, to my right; a man in a vehicle with his window down and eyes locked on me. Immediately I knew what I had to do!

Splattered across his white van was... 'Innalillahi Wa Innalillahi Rajiun', the answer became obvious. Maybe this time, I should help for the sake of a mother and a newborn baby. And so I did... he insisted on having my number so he could repay the debt, I just said ...
"takpe, saya zakatkan duit ni".

Oh well, I'm also writing this down so that if anyone out there has or would encounter the same man, with the same M.O, telling the same story, then maybe.. maybe I am a scammed victim. If it happens to be so... tolonglah capaikan spanar di dalam kereta anda dan hayunkan ke halkumnya. =)

Salam Aidilfitri, maaf zahir dan batin !

*back to work

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