Wednesday, February 3, 2010

It's all about the lines

no.. not the wrinkles. heh.

Why is necessary to dream big?
That is a bar that you can set for yourself. Even if you're unable to achieve it, you can know that you have completed at least 80% of your target. And that is .. damn well be a big achievement by itself. But before you can start realizing the ambition, get your lines straight first.

Pray 5 times a day.
Equip yourself on current issues- watch the news, read the papers
Be there for your family and loved ones.
Be there for your friends.
Be happy for who you are
Identify your strengths and work on your weaknesses
Plan your steps with datelines
Know your body without any foreign influences
Healthy diet
Stick to the routine and schedule

There is no such thing as a short cut in real life.
Being disciplined and keeping your head in the clouds while your feet is firm on the ground is a person's biggest challenge.
Growing up and taking new responsibilities is NO FUN.
But that is life's cycle.
We all have to go through it, because what comes next?...
...paying the bills with honest living and raising your own family.

I'm not perfect, however...
I love being 30.
I love the way I look.
I love the people around me.
I love the idea of what might come next.

Put your plans into ACTION
Never Give Up
Don't waste time

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