Tuesday, May 13, 2008

left or right?

Main Entry: 1de·ci·sion
Pronunciation: \di-ˈsi-zhən\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English decisioun, from Middle French, from Latin decision-, decisio, from decidere to decide
15th century

1 a: the act or process of deciding b: a determination arrived at after consideration : conclusion 2: a report of a conclusion 3: promptness and firmness in deciding

...at least that's what webster says. truth be told, is there really such a thing as a 'firm decision'? something that you could actually take action upon and never look back, never even give the slightest amount of pondering? well, again, it is both yes and no.

a firm decision comes with 'determination', seeing things through till the end-mission accomplished. so going back to the original question, does the term 'firm decision' logically exists? the answer is a definite, yes. however, from another point of view, 'firm' being fully behind the act without a wink of emotion? a consideration of whether the right choices have been made?..hell, no. we're only humans.

so embrace that humanity. once upon a time, i was lucky enough to be told a secret from a very wise source- the whole concept of journey.. "it doesn't matter which road you take as it will lead you to your written destiny. the journey will only give you one thing and one thing only, the strength to accept your fate, now, that's where the true test lies. when you have the power to surrender, that is when you are truly... whole."


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