current brain activity : 5%
i came back from work and immediately dozed off due to a headache. after a few hours, i woke up and realised that my night plans has been ruined. aiya! dont care la.
anyways, the other day i found some great difficulties in spelling the word EQUALLY, which turned out to be a rather amusing 15 minutes attempt, ecually.. ekually.. eckualy.. icually.. ikually.. icuali.. the list goes on. somehow the 'Q' did not manage to find its way into that word. thank god for webster. =)
amendment - always without the d
disappointing - always inserting an extra s
apology - always adding an extra p
another defect that i have come to accept is also the fact that i am slighty colour blind. i have no problems with strong colors, however the shy, light or mixed colors tends to send some weird signals to my brain. once a dark green shirt was seen as black, a dark brown shirt was seen as grey, turquoise was blue???
my left and right is forever confusing which caused quite a fuss with one of the taxi drivers back then. hmmm.
telling the time with an analog watch takes more than 5 seconds- i usually glance at my beloved handphone instead..hence the missing clock in the bedroom.
plus points here.. minus points there.
still, hantaran tetap sepuluh ribu! wahhhh!!
*kidding, i dont know about those things =)
goodnite people. astro says 1.47am. bedtime.
i would say that a 10k hantaran is reasonable. You are worth it.
wah wah dah hint hint...hahahaha
cepat la skit...saye nak makan nasi minyak :)
how come this entry is leading to the big M?
Would you have it otherwise? :)
hahaha..both of are so cute la.. maintain till death ... kawen la cepat.. :D. (bizi bodi buutul kan gua ni hek hek hek)..
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