Main entry: no-ra-e-li-na Function: adjective 1. broadly : persistent compulsive use of a substance known by the user to be habit-forming 2. an addictive personality
Thursday, September 18, 2008
beating around the bush
I wanna head to the gym.
I wanna get new plants.
I wanna put up the new curtains.
I wanna read the book.
I wanna organize my album.
... the list could go on.
I'm too tired.
I'm too busy.
I'm hungry.
I've got people coming over.
I gotta run to the hardware first.
I'm out of budget.
... the list could go on.
*notice how for every single thing that we plan to do, there's always an excuse that we could come out with to hold us back from completing the tasks at hand.
Excuses were made so we could comfort ourselves in lines of denial that we simply just don't feel like doing it just yet.
I'm writing this done so I could remind myself to get off my ass and JUST DO IT!
hahah.. easier said than done. I'm fasting.
*God, help me.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
How To Kill A Porsche
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
a glimpse of perfection.
her eyes
her shoulders
her hips
her ass
a glimpse of perfection.
will i be denied the long familiar affection?
will i crave for his tenderness?
will i face the fading fire of passion?
will i suffer the fate of loss?
a glimpse of perfection.

Saturday, July 26, 2008
Tai Thong Mooncake TVC 2008
"It's time to wake up, the time now is five am"
The sky was dark, this was one of the mornings that showed not a single sense of urgency- married with breeze that chills you to the bones- making it more difficult to comprehend why in the world did I tell myself to be awaken so early, when even the birds are still resting peacefully in their nests?
A few seconds later, it hits me.
"Yes, it's finally here!"
Today is the day where I get to experience my very first TV Commercial (behind the cameras, i mean). For weeks we; BnBC Advertising have been planning the whole concept, budget, locations, talents, timeline, props, crew, pre and post production, approvals, scripts and the list goes on -I must admit, being in-front of the camera is much easier then behind the scenes. Managing this whole project while still staying on top of numerous other tasks has proven to be very time consuming, mind straining, physically challenging and you know what..?
It comes with the job. That's what advertising is all about.
Tai Thong Group of Restaurants fall under the great umbrella of Dijaya Corporation Berhad; which is my main client. Being a high end-fast paced multi-directional corporation, managing this account is never a walk in the park.. Thank god for the strong team that followed every step of the way, especially my ever so staunch partner, Carmen; I was on the verge of mental breakdown before she came to keep me in check. Truly a life saver and although this is her first experience in advertising; she makes me proud- every single day. Andrew; my super passionate and brilliant boss. The creative team; Ben and Craig- with their never ending ideas that could shock and rock the world if theydecide to do so but most importantly- my heart and soul, my burning fire, my strength; Ajoi. He made sure I am geared up to face each day and soothe me down every night. An angel in disguise.. Well, the rest of the team members- too many to name but not forgotten; also contributed hugely into this task, once things are good to go, we signed on HotPictures as our appointed Production House with no regrets. Experienced, professional, meticulous and creative; they are I must say, one of the best that I have came across with so far in the entertainment industry.
7am, I was already busy calling the team and client, making sure that everyone knew exactly where to be, the summary run through, updating my final details checklist so I would have everything in order.
8am. This is where it all began.

Future site of Tropicana Avenue; a commercial development by Dijaya Corporation Berhad- they were more than happy to cater to our needs. In the close proximity of the elite Tropicana Golf&Country Resort; this particular site is A VAST EMPTY LAND.
Props were brought in to make the tv commercial work and ustaz was also called for rain control.. you can never be too careful =). Weather forecast: Thunderstorm.
Throughout morning till noon, for numerous times, dark clouds came to threat our progress but calmly shy away to other directions and it was bright and sunny all over again. I guess no matter how much you try, mother nature will take it's course. From 2.30pm onwards, it was raining cats and dogs and lightning were battling above our heads. Ajoi was there to bear witness to my screams that came with every strike. What made matters worst, it did struck just a few meters away from our set.. those who were there will know the drama that follows.
Moving on- after the rain had subsided, we continued till about 7pm. "It's a wrap!", shouted the director which was a huge relief for me as this means we can finally proceed to the next location; The Spring Garden Chinese Restaurant- one of Tai Thong's babies, at Tropicana Golf&Country Resort Clubhouse. Most of us were already soaking wet right down to our socks. The night felt extremely cold and flu started to hit. Upon arrival at the restaurant, a hot cup of Chinese tea was just heavenly. As we were all exhausted, drenched and starving, HotPictures arranged for us a 5 course meal for the whole crew. Even the clients were grateful for the gesture. The serving was excellent!
Armed with a full tummy and regained strength, the shoot proceeded and finally ended at 11.30pm.
TVC shooting ... check!
Post Production ... check!
Final material ... check!
Sweat, chills, headaches, muscle pains, paperworks, negotiations, endless meetings, mountaining phone bills, supporting radio commercials and print materials.. after all that, ladies and gentlemen... may I present to you:
Tai Thong's 2008 Mooncake TV Commercial by BnBC Advertising.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Ajoi Burning Rubber
With the CLK just out of service, time waits for no man when it was tested at a some down below location. Not so much of the car that was worrying but the fact that pillars/columns were EVERYWHERE! In the end, man and machine prevails!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Marilah Cuba!

My god, I love you kids!

Sue Anna Joe
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Dear Kenny,
It's ok to smoke.
It's ok to drink.
It's ok to get high.
It's ok to beat yourself up.
It's ok to have suicidal thoughts.
It's ok be on verge of self destruction.
... It's ok to just, let go.
We care about you. We'll always be there for you when you need us.
Take care sweetness.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Happy Birthday

25th May 2008 marks the day of an important occasion. But due to my baby's bad flu (ehem, not to mention that we both woke up at 5.30pm... =p ), the celebration was grandfully opened with a game of GT, followed by a romantic trip for two to the car wash and closed by a beautiful teatime at Idaman with servings of excuisitely prepared nasi lemak. But nonetheless, the day was worth it for one and sole reason only.. he was there.
Happy Birthday My Dearest Zulkarnain Zubir. May this year brings you more joy and health and know that there will always be someone who will walk with you every step of the way. I am truly honoured to have you as my partner, loving what I know of you, and trusting what I do not yet know. I eagerly anticipate the chance to grow old together, getting to know the man you will become, and falling in love a little more every day. I promise to love and cherish you through whatever life may bring us. In the presence of the world, I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow. I will love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honor and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
left or right?
Pronunciation: \di-ˈsi-zhən\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English decisioun, from Middle French, from Latin decision-, decisio, from decidere to decide
15th century
1 a: the act or process of deciding b: a determination arrived at after consideration : conclusion
Monday, May 12, 2008
sushi craving
It was just one of those day when you hear a conversation that goes something like this:
guy: What do you wanna eat?
girl : Anything.
guy: Wanna eat rice?
girl : Still kenyang.
guy: Wanna have cakes?
girl : No, i wanna have something filling.
guy: Fine. U choose.
And so, Sushi Groove @One Utama it was. I LUUURRRVVEEE that place. One of the most attractive, reasonably priced, delicious fusion sushi menus, execellent service.. and the highlight? Can smoke wei!!! ok, probably not at the dining table, but a confortable section where you can can bring your drinks and lepak for awhile while they prepare your food. Once it's served, "Sir/Ma'am, your food is ready". Super coolness!
p/s: Please dont go there. I love it too much, to let all you buggers fill up the seats while I wait in line.
p/p/s: There was suppose to be more food pictures, but vain moment, so it's all us baybeh! Next time k . =p
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
download this, download that, install this, install that...
aish. technology is so hard and yet, i cant live without it. =(
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Seems that this song is my official raining song.
First time i heard it was in a cartoon movie, about some 5 dinosaur friends, what was it??..
demmit. cant recall!
well anyways, this kid dinosaur was hoping on some stone steps and it was raining, so he sang,
"Raindrops falling on my head, tet..tet..tet..tet..tet.."
The thing is, this is exactly how i would sing it too. Exactly like that baby dinosaur. first of all, i dont know the lyrics, secondly.. i heard ajoi singing it and i still cant catch the words, thirdly.. in the world of world wide web, it's so easy to find the lyrics..
but hey.
lets just leave it as it is. i like the idea of not knowing a certain few things.
let the memories remain.
YES!!!! The Land Before Time!
*that's the name of that cartoon. ahhh.. i miss it.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
could it be?
"You're THE ONE For Me".... aww, isnt that a dream come true?? =)
but what if that was not the first time you've heard such a sacred declaration?
the first relationship... you're the one for me.
second relationship... you're the one for me.
third're the one for me.. and the list goes on.
so how is it possible that everyone thinks, their partners, whoever they might be, is the one for them? even after so many broken relationships? how could that be possible? how do you define 'The One'? is it through looks that you're glued forever? or because of personality that you're willing to die for the other person? could it be of the promises that they make?
someone once said that after 1 week, she could tell if that person, is 'the one' for her.
listen to your heart', she said. 'not your mind, but your heart'.
wow. if only the rest of us could have that gift as well. the big question here is, what if it's your own heart that you cant trust? what if you've missed the chance to live happily ever after? what if your soulmate is someone that u chose to leave in the past? .. no way to find out is there? of coz you could also try to ask our wise 'No.8 Ball' here..
i guess sometimes, when faced with these thoughts, i tell myself one thing.
And One Thing Only.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
But what if that can be changed? What if your every desire can be fulfilled? What if the universe magically work its ways around your wishes to make it all come true?
This some calls the secret of life. The law of attraction. others call it bull crap.
try this one simple experiment. the next time you come into a crowded parking lot, right before you go through the entrance, tell yourself that "THERE WILL BE A HOT PARKING SPOT FOR ME!".. of course, the trick is to actually believing such statement to a point where you know that it's a damn fact and not just a motivational line!
just see what happens after that.
Good Luck!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Janji Putih
Tercipta Untukku
Hari Ini Dan Semalam
Sunday, March 23, 2008
but then again, dont that apply to everything else in life?
*typical libran comment. heh.
as much as i am having a blast learning new things in this new career path, there are the Top 20 routines that i truly miss back in those freelancing days.. so here they are in no particular order:
1. 'work' starts at 12am when it is the most peaceful.
2. having breakfast at 6.30am, followed by a quiet little newspaper time and under the covers around 8am.
3. waking up whenever i wish.
4. series marathons; the sungei wang guy loved us so much as every weekly visits would earn him a minimum of RM150 due to the fact that i could finish a season in 2 days thus leading to the dvd garage sale of about 400 plus titles (courtesy of the ex- thank you mr.ex).
5. cigarettes comes in cartons.
6. astro was a bestfren.
7. the term 'lepak' applies to any time of day.
8. if there were shows to command that only takes up 4 hours a day, 3 times a week.
9. holidays without advance planning.
10. starbucks coffee at genting, sandy getaways at pd, chinese food at spring gardens, drooling over surfers at cherating, parties etc. without the limitation of time.
11. indulging in great reads.
12. cleaning the house.
13. playing with kids.
14. non-stop gosssiping sessions.
15. cinema is second home.
16. lazy days by the pool.
17. writing.
18. surfing the web.
19. listening to morning crew.
20. grooming, grooming, grooming..
the new life... well, i could only say that it is more challenging yet everyday gives new meaning. i guess, at one point of time, we just have to learn to grow up. responsibilities. how are we suppose to run away from that? ..impossible. live with it. cherish the new experiences. proud to be an adult. choices are ours to make.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
so after four years, i finally had the guts to give him my number as i was too scared to ask for his, in hopes that maybe his fingers would get bored one day and decide to dial mine... the rest is history.
my question is, does look really matters?
i dont think so. especially if the girl can win a game of pool even when she's down by three balls. the great come back. HAH!
p/s: 1 of 50.
p/p/s: the first is always the most memorable.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
rubix cube
how can people make it happen in just 20 seconds?
why does some takes longer than others, some like me, just fail to understand it.
but i cant seem to throw it into the pool like how i plan to do it after everytime i feel like smashing that damn piece of stupid too complicated plastic.
ah, how was it possible for me to manage it at the age of 7 and still cant grasp the very same concept at the age of 28.
maybe we get dumber by the day.
i'll just give it another week. im a loser.
Saturday, March 1, 2008
to love and to be loved
yup, that's what all of us openly or secretly been wishing for. to go 'angau' for that one special person that could turn your world upside down and still leaving you smiling throughout. .. STOP!
that was the opening.. hehe. but this entry is more than just that. let's just say you are happily head over heals with your ever so perfect partner, but it doesn't end there does it? what about the crowd, the rest of the world, the other wondering minds that are just dying to know your 'status'? this is how i see people:
1. some of us, even without the 'confirm she's my grilfren/boyfriend' status have already shout out to the whole world how they're going to be spending the rest of their lives together i.e, syiok sendiri cases. but hey, you'll never know, there might still be hope.
2. already have their heart set on the ever so beautiful/handsome someone and quietly trying to pursue a date with that person in hopes it would become the perfect relationship but at the same time, they choose to shy away from other 'potential distractions'. romantic aren't they?
3. already taken. steady relationship is not even a question. some for a longer period than others but still maintain they 'sure, u can still isi borang' kind of attitude. maybe it's based on past heartbreaks that they tend to keep their options open. or then again, maybe just true born players/playettes. hmmmm...
4. steady relationship as well, maybe small innocent flirtings here and there but yes, in love with their better half but are not really ready to announce it to the world yet. honestly? ... better now or never, nanti si dia lari baru tau!
5. not single, definitely but somwhow just can't help themselves from falling in love with others. just one after another therefore creating the whole 'yes, she's the one oh wait, maybe he's the one' kind of remark. gullible? fickle? tsk. tsk. decide!
5. no longer single. crazy for the their partner and will proudly say that he/she is in the ultimate, destined to be, growing old together kind of relationship. awww...
millions of different kinds of people out there. so... what are you?
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
i came back from work and immediately dozed off due to a headache. after a few hours, i woke up and realised that my night plans has been ruined. aiya! dont care la.
anyways, the other day i found some great difficulties in spelling the word EQUALLY, which turned out to be a rather amusing 15 minutes attempt, ecually.. ekually.. eckualy.. icually.. ikually.. icuali.. the list goes on. somehow the 'Q' did not manage to find its way into that word. thank god for webster. =)
amendment - always without the d
disappointing - always inserting an extra s
apology - always adding an extra p
another defect that i have come to accept is also the fact that i am slighty colour blind. i have no problems with strong colors, however the shy, light or mixed colors tends to send some weird signals to my brain. once a dark green shirt was seen as black, a dark brown shirt was seen as grey, turquoise was blue???
my left and right is forever confusing which caused quite a fuss with one of the taxi drivers back then. hmmm.
telling the time with an analog watch takes more than 5 seconds- i usually glance at my beloved handphone instead..hence the missing clock in the bedroom.
plus points here.. minus points there.
still, hantaran tetap sepuluh ribu! wahhhh!!
*kidding, i dont know about those things =)
goodnite people. astro says 1.47am. bedtime.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Saturday, February 16, 2008
lazy saturday
so i did. hehe. and it was rrreeeaaallllyyyyyy GOOD!
ah, i took my time waking up.
i took my time to get out of bed.
i took my time looking myself in the mirror.
i took my time going for brunch.
i took my time cleaning the kitchen
i took my time for a nap.
i took my time waking up again.
i took my time cleaning the toilet.
i took my time cleaning my room.
i took my time doing the laundry.
i took my time with jazz and classicals.
i took my time showering.
now im taking time to blog.
my dearest mate is screaming for dinner.
im taking my time.
time well spent. lovin it. =)
Friday, February 15, 2008
poor baby
kecil lagi. kasihan dia.
visiting after im done here.
my prayers for her.
mocha frap
the internet connection in the office has been nonfunctional since 2 days ago and everyone of us keeps fighting for the damn izzi. of coz everyone has important mails to send out, finding online references and the stupid streamyx chose to fail on us. BUCK UP TM! what the hell are we paying you for?! home? take a wild guess.. yup. streamyx. equally disappointing.
i miss writing, and yeah, the previous entry is a cheat. hehe.
well, two and a half hours more to go, then IM DONE for today.
Full day of sleep tomorrow, ah, blissful!
Join me.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
The meaning of Red Roses is love while a bouquet of red and white roses is a symbol of unity. The same thing is true for a bouquet of white roses with red edges. It is a signal of loyalty and kinship. “You and I are one” and “We stand united”. Just like the red rose, the purple roses symbolises love but the meaning of purple roses are more a symbol of enchantment and love and first sight than the ever lasting love represented by red roses.
The meaning of Pink roses are generally viewed as a symbol of refinement and elegance. They have however also been used to send more elaborate messages, where the different pink shades were attributed different meanings. The meaning of roses with a deep pink or cerise tone was gratitude and appreciation, while the meaning of a rose with a very light pink shade was sympathy.
A bouquet of only yellow roses means “try to care”.
The meaning of Orange roses are enthusiasm and eagerness, a new beginning. The meaning of Peach Roses on the other hand is that something has gone well, a deal has been reached.
A deep burgundy color on a rose means “Unconscious beauty” or “You are so beautiful without even knowing it”.
Green roses have existed since 1856 and are a symbol of fertility and fruitfulness.
The meaning on Black roses is death and new beginnings
Hybrid Tea roses mean “I will never forget you”.
The meaning of Blue Roses are that someone is mysterious.
The meaning of the so called Sweetheart roses is naturally conveyed in their name.
Pale rose colours have generally been a sign of friendship.
The rose color meaning is not the only thing capable of sending a message in a rose bouquet.If you choose to send rosebuds instead of blooming roses, it symbolizes youth and innocent love. Pink and red rose buds say “You are young and lovely” or “I love your youthfulness”, while white rosebuds means “Too young to love”. The moss rosebud was used as a first confession of love.
A full blown rose that is placed together with two rose buds will signify secrecy.
If white roses have been allowed to whither it means “Beauty is fleeting”.
If two roses are wired together to form one single stem it is a signal of engagement and coming marriage.
A crown consisting of roses is a symbol of virtue. Crowns formed from roses have been used at weddings to signify purity.
Rose leaves symbolises hope and optimism.
The meaning of roses can also be affected by their number. A single rose is a symbol of simplicity, and one single red rose is a well known way of saying “I love you”. If you instead combine one red rose with several yellow roses, it will stand for joviality and be an invitation to jolliness and fun.
Meaning of Number of Roses:
- 1 Rose Love at the first sight; you are the one
- 2 Roses Mutual love between both, deeply in love with one another
- 3 Roses I love you
- 6 Roses I wanna be yours
- 7 Roses I'm infatuated with you
- 9 Roses An Eternal love, together as long as we live
- 10 Roses You are perfect
- 11 Roses You are my treasured one; the one I love most in my life
- 12 Roses Be my steady
- 13 Roses Secret Admirer
- 15 Roses I am truly sorry, please forgive me
- 20 Roses Believe me, I am sincere towards you
- 21 Roses I am devoted to you
- 24 Roses Can't stop thinking about you, 24 hours everyday
- 33 Roses Saying "I love you" with great affection
- 36 Roses I will remember our romantic moments
- 40 Roses My love for you is genuine
- 50 Roses Regretless love, this is
- 99 Roses I will love you for as long as I live
- 100 Roses Harmoniously together in a century; remaining devoted as couple till ripe-old age
- 101 Roses You are my one and only love
- 108 Roses Please marry me!
- 365 Roses Can't stop thinking about you, each and everyday
- 999 Roses Everlasting and Eternal love
and now you know. =)
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Friday, January 25, 2008
Thursday, January 24, 2008
to let go or not to let go?
but what if these are the people that are closest to you? the ones that you talk to every single day and night? the ones that you look forward to see? the ones that cheer u up? makes your heart beats a little faster, burden a little lighter, laugh a little louder?
what do you do?
you cant take losing them, but it's not right to keep them either.
are you suppose to put on a fake smile and say.. 'yeah, im happy for u!' when in reality your heart is boiling mad that they're going away. hmm...
dilemma, dilemma, dilemma...
Sunday, January 20, 2008
mighty morphing
believe it or not, that was not the first. of coz i was not, sudah tembam katanya.. here's what i had so far been compared to:
... hamster
... pinggan
ya, ok. just those two. apparently, this sudden gain of weight is rather shocking to most of my circle members, well.. i have to admit it is shocking to me as well. i think i might have to cut down on food intake. haish. food is good. alrite, lesser servings, increase frequencies.hmmm... that could work. could it?
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Pokes are almost impossible to track.
Superwalls are no longer a good read.
Picking fights is already a bore.
Drinks, gifts, flowers.. appreciated but hmmm...
plus, I don't even care if people attack my werewolf/vampire/slayer anymore!
Searching friends to add into your list is close to impossible.
Facebook, Re-vamp!
*mexican wave for Friendster. =)
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Monday, January 14, 2008
building trust is an absolute craft. one mistake could cause a tremor and jeopardize the whole process of achieving it in the first place. sometimes it might not even be a huge deal to start with but still, the impact is there. so now, the billion dollar question..
how do you gain back a lost trust?
probably at one point or another we tend to fall under one of these categories:
- forgive and forget
- forgive but never forget
- forget but never forgive
can we ever be the bigger person? can we ever get pass it?
well, if we cant. maybe we should turn to time for help.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
hour twenty
'hey! where have my font options disappeared to? ...weird.'
it's also worst that everything is just a few steps away. the beauty of your own place. everything is so conveniently stocked. work is work. play is play. rest is rest. but to have it all infront of the screen? that's just too much.
i gotta get out!
but it's such a lazy saturday.. maybe a nap would be best.
sweet dreams people!
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
a real man
- great hair
- hard rocking well toned body
- dresses well even when dressing down
- intelligent leading to super excellent career
- drop dead gorgeous car
- super alluring crib
- tonnes of money
- fantastic sense of humour
- well bred and thoughtful
- excellent manners
- great conversationalist
- independent
- spontaneous and passionate
- loyal
when a girl is asked who would be your dream lover? almost without fail, we would say.. jeng-jeng-jeng... BRAD PITT!
yes, he is gorgeous and all but come to think of it.. the bloody bloke cheated on jennifer aniston for another luscious babe obviously; angelina jolie and denied his lust with claims that the poor sweetheart didn't want to have babies. please la! who in the right mind could say no to angelina jolie? even if in some twisted cosmic event where i was to turn lesbo, then definitely she would be on my top five list as well. hehe.
honestly i do know for a fact that the perfect man does not exist. truth be told, in my opinion, the imperfections are factors that makes a person beautiful. theoretically, once the individual knows that he/she is with imperfections then they will try their very best to outshine it with other great qualities that contributes to the attractiveness of the person; in whole. should that not count for something? i think it should. a million points for the efforts! of course the saying, dari mata jatuh ke hati is undeniable to a certain extend. we like what we see. we judge. we're only humans.
once, i was in a conversation with one of my dearest friends that was about to tie the knot and she asked me, 'how do i know if he is the right one?'. after a few minutes of battering over right and wrong, we came to a conclusion, there is no mr.right no matter how much you try to convice yourself. there is however , mr. right now; and hopefully along the way, even beyond every single flaws that he has, you'll come to learn that it is acceptable and there's no way in heaven you could ever exist without him, no matter what. probably then, you'll drop the now and everything will be just... right.
here's a toast to 'hope' !
Monday, January 7, 2008
ada kawan
- someone to have breakfast, lunch, brunch, tea time, dinner, supper and snacks with
- someone to have coffee with
- someone to sing with
- someone to workout with
- someone to call when you needed to chat
- someone to update you with gossips
- someone to be there when you needed help
- someone to accompany you to the movies
- someone to drive around with
- someone to share your most ridiculous dreams with
- someone to share your lamest jokes with
- someone to lash out your frustrations to
- someone to pinch
- someone to squeez
- someone to bite
- someone to hug
- someone to confort
- someone to always back you up
- someone to listen
- someone to 'do nothing' with
- someone to be your witness
Sunday, January 6, 2008
gaia in pain

it was 4.45pm when anas called me to say that he was taking me out for dinner. of coz i was more than excited by that and was getting ready to leave the house to run a few errands before the meet. i had a tiny nagging feeling right after, to call him back and remind him to drive safely due to the heavy pour but as always, the thought just brushed itself away. at approximately 5pm, anas called to tell me that he was involved in an accident on the highway near rembau. at first i thought he was just pulling my legs as he sounded so calm. only after a minute did i realise that it was true. the heavy rain accumulated a puddle of water on the uneven part of the highway and caused the car to plunge straight into the hillside, not before making a 720 degrees spin on the road. it wasn't speed driving or anything, guess that's why it's called an accident. sometimes things just happen. thank god no other vehicles were involved and most importantly, anas escaped with nothing more than minor sprains. i finally reached there around 6.45pm. anas was safely waiting in the car and after a few moments with him, it finally hit me how disoriented he was. my poor baby cant even count right. 559-226=7..?! under the circumstances, it's understandable. =)
Friday, January 4, 2008
4am delight
'give me, give me.. give me, give me more'
yes britney, im listening.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
fast lane
if only we could actually just look to our side and ask if that person is feeling ok. if only we are courageous enough to care. if only we could know each others' names and remind ourselves that we do mean something.
well, im not over my holiday mood yet. maybe im missing someone. a certain somebody that could brighten my day. wish he could be nathan and just fly back for a cup of coffee. wouldn't that makes it just damn fabulous?!