I first got to know about it from me bro, Amin &Sheera as their check up is usually done in this particular format.
Googled some and found an interesting one:
From there, I found out that tech- Ms. Jezzlyn, will rotate her schedule in 3 clinics in Klang Valley (Ampang, Shah Alam and Seri Kembangan if I'm not mistaken) for the convenience of her customers to do the 3D scanning of their unborn babies. In the website, I went and clicked on an icon that says ' Online Booking'. Chose the date, time and location - and an email of confirmation will be sent to me as confirmation of the appointment.
Here's amongst the contents of the email:
The 3D/4D Scan will be performed by a certified and well-trained
sonographer either JEZZLYN or PEARLY..
When you reach the clinic, please inform registration staff that you
have booked a 4D scan appointment with JEZZLYN or PEARLY.
3D/4D Scan Weekly Schedule and Performing Sonographer Schedule: (
Will be updated on weekly basis )
( Find Us on FACEBOOK :
http://www.facebook.com/pages/3D-4D-scan-Malaysia/120155484710450 )
Wednesday at Ampang: By Jezzlyn
Thursaday at Seri Kembangan : By Jezzlyn
Friday at Ampang: By Pearly
Saturday at Ampang: By Jezzlyn
Sunday at Shah Alam : By Jezzlyn
For 3D/4D Scan... Each session will take about 20-30 minutes.
For details 2D + 3D/4D Scan, it will take about 40-60 minutes. PLEASE
BOOK 2 TIME SLOT FOR DETAIL in 2D+ 3D/4D scan that are available.
However its still depend on baby condition... It might reduce the
scanning time if the baby cooperate well or might increase the
scanning time if the baby don't show up the face.
Appointment booking is base on 1ST COME 1ST SERVE BASIS...
However the actual scanning time might be delayed, for example u had
booked 7.20pm as your appointment slot, you can come in between7pm to
8pm.. We apologize for any delaying and any inconvenience cause.
Procedure Charges Rate:
3D/4D Scan Charges : RM100 ( include 3D picture and video in CD and
Print Out)
Detail Scan Charges : RM150 ( Check for anomaly in 2D scan, for 20-26
weeks only! )
3D/4D Scan + Detail Scan Package : RM200
2D scan : RM50 ( only for ampang and seri kembangan area)
Suggested week for 3D/4D Scanning:
1st scan: (22-25 weeks):
See more baby movement, might scan the whole baby body, can see more
in hand and legs movement, but the baby might look skinny a bit, but
its already cute!
2nd scan: ( 26-30 weeks):
More on baby face as the baby look more cubby, but leg and hand scan
depend on the liquid enough or not....
Harder to scan depend on air ketuban only.. The chances to take a bit
low compare to less than 30wk, but the baby will look more cubby...
if cant see the baby face, there is no charges apply, so might can
have a try....FOR Seri kembangan and AMPANG area only
These are the LIMITATION of the Scan to get a nice BABY FACE:
(1) Amniotic fluid (air ketuban) must be enough for the scan where at
least a layer of water in front of the baby face, must have a space
on top of the baby face.
(2 ) No umbilical cord (tali pusat) or placenta block on top of the
baby to get a nice view of the baby face.
(3) Baby position, baby could not be looking downward or side view.
In order to get baby full face, baby must be facing up and not facing
down or side way.
(4) fat layer of the mother tummy aso will affected the scan.... The
thicker the abdominal layer, tbe harder the penetration of the
Day of appoinment :
This is how we first saw Baby Z
and then Jazzlyn, changed the setting to 3D mode
as you can see, the umbilical cord and her feet is covering her face
we tried to wake her up and getting her to move her position a bit (by gently shaking my tummy - tapi syioknya dia tidur sampai buat tak layan je kat kita.. heh).
Finally after couple of minutes, Baby Z gerak sikit.
Her foot tetap juga in acrobat move, but Alhamdulillah, we managed to get a better picture as she moved the umbilical cord down a bit..
"Hello everyone, Assalamualaikum! Saya nak tido, sila jgn kacau.." =p
and here's one of the videos that we get to bring home, alongwith tonnes of pictures- all burned into a CD for RM100.00.
Well spent, I must say!
InsyaAllah, we'll be seeing you soon Baby Z.
" Ya Allah, wahai Tuhan Yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang, syukur di atas segala nikmat yang Kau berikan kepada kami wahai Yang Maha Berkuasa ke atas sekalian alam. Bantulah kami, Ya Allah. Permudahkanlah segala urusan kami.. Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin "