Sunday, June 29, 2008

Kidnapping... err.. catnapping??

I aM HoLdinG YoUr CHiLd hOstAGE

BrINg uS a NeW LitTER BOX oR thERe WiLL BE ConSEQuenCeS

Ajoi Burning Rubber

With the CLK just out of service, time waits for no man when it was tested at a some down below location. Not so much of the car that was worrying but the fact that pillars/columns were EVERYWHERE! In the end, man and machine prevails!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Marilah Cuba!


Marilah Cuba! is a Malay-language programme that aims to cater to children across all races. Hosted by the bubbly Kak Nora, and featuring four absolutely lovable children whom we would never think of shooting with firearms - Adam, Rathna, Maeson and Marissa - Marilah Cuba is a riot of colours, ideas and laughs. Nick Wong, founder of My Favourite Arthouse chain of art schools, is art director for this production as well as the art teacher on the set teaching the child talents.

Finally, after 2 years, it's on air. Thanks to all the crew, and most of all,
My god,
I love you kids!

Sue Anna Joe

Sue Anna Joe, one of the most talented young photographers around. This was done... hmm, well, cant quite remember when. All I can say is.. Good Job Darling! Check out her profile.