Main entry: no-ra-e-li-na Function: adjective 1. broadly : persistent compulsive use of a substance known by the user to be habit-forming 2. an addictive personality
Friday, January 25, 2008
Thursday, January 24, 2008
to let go or not to let go?
but what if these are the people that are closest to you? the ones that you talk to every single day and night? the ones that you look forward to see? the ones that cheer u up? makes your heart beats a little faster, burden a little lighter, laugh a little louder?
what do you do?
you cant take losing them, but it's not right to keep them either.
are you suppose to put on a fake smile and say.. 'yeah, im happy for u!' when in reality your heart is boiling mad that they're going away. hmm...
dilemma, dilemma, dilemma...
Sunday, January 20, 2008
mighty morphing
believe it or not, that was not the first. of coz i was not, sudah tembam katanya.. here's what i had so far been compared to:
... hamster
... pinggan
ya, ok. just those two. apparently, this sudden gain of weight is rather shocking to most of my circle members, well.. i have to admit it is shocking to me as well. i think i might have to cut down on food intake. haish. food is good. alrite, lesser servings, increase frequencies.hmmm... that could work. could it?
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Pokes are almost impossible to track.
Superwalls are no longer a good read.
Picking fights is already a bore.
Drinks, gifts, flowers.. appreciated but hmmm...
plus, I don't even care if people attack my werewolf/vampire/slayer anymore!
Searching friends to add into your list is close to impossible.
Facebook, Re-vamp!
*mexican wave for Friendster. =)
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Monday, January 14, 2008
building trust is an absolute craft. one mistake could cause a tremor and jeopardize the whole process of achieving it in the first place. sometimes it might not even be a huge deal to start with but still, the impact is there. so now, the billion dollar question..
how do you gain back a lost trust?
probably at one point or another we tend to fall under one of these categories:
- forgive and forget
- forgive but never forget
- forget but never forgive
can we ever be the bigger person? can we ever get pass it?
well, if we cant. maybe we should turn to time for help.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
hour twenty
'hey! where have my font options disappeared to? ...weird.'
it's also worst that everything is just a few steps away. the beauty of your own place. everything is so conveniently stocked. work is work. play is play. rest is rest. but to have it all infront of the screen? that's just too much.
i gotta get out!
but it's such a lazy saturday.. maybe a nap would be best.
sweet dreams people!
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
a real man
- great hair
- hard rocking well toned body
- dresses well even when dressing down
- intelligent leading to super excellent career
- drop dead gorgeous car
- super alluring crib
- tonnes of money
- fantastic sense of humour
- well bred and thoughtful
- excellent manners
- great conversationalist
- independent
- spontaneous and passionate
- loyal
when a girl is asked who would be your dream lover? almost without fail, we would say.. jeng-jeng-jeng... BRAD PITT!
yes, he is gorgeous and all but come to think of it.. the bloody bloke cheated on jennifer aniston for another luscious babe obviously; angelina jolie and denied his lust with claims that the poor sweetheart didn't want to have babies. please la! who in the right mind could say no to angelina jolie? even if in some twisted cosmic event where i was to turn lesbo, then definitely she would be on my top five list as well. hehe.
honestly i do know for a fact that the perfect man does not exist. truth be told, in my opinion, the imperfections are factors that makes a person beautiful. theoretically, once the individual knows that he/she is with imperfections then they will try their very best to outshine it with other great qualities that contributes to the attractiveness of the person; in whole. should that not count for something? i think it should. a million points for the efforts! of course the saying, dari mata jatuh ke hati is undeniable to a certain extend. we like what we see. we judge. we're only humans.
once, i was in a conversation with one of my dearest friends that was about to tie the knot and she asked me, 'how do i know if he is the right one?'. after a few minutes of battering over right and wrong, we came to a conclusion, there is no mr.right no matter how much you try to convice yourself. there is however , mr. right now; and hopefully along the way, even beyond every single flaws that he has, you'll come to learn that it is acceptable and there's no way in heaven you could ever exist without him, no matter what. probably then, you'll drop the now and everything will be just... right.
here's a toast to 'hope' !
Monday, January 7, 2008
ada kawan
- someone to have breakfast, lunch, brunch, tea time, dinner, supper and snacks with
- someone to have coffee with
- someone to sing with
- someone to workout with
- someone to call when you needed to chat
- someone to update you with gossips
- someone to be there when you needed help
- someone to accompany you to the movies
- someone to drive around with
- someone to share your most ridiculous dreams with
- someone to share your lamest jokes with
- someone to lash out your frustrations to
- someone to pinch
- someone to squeez
- someone to bite
- someone to hug
- someone to confort
- someone to always back you up
- someone to listen
- someone to 'do nothing' with
- someone to be your witness
Sunday, January 6, 2008
gaia in pain

it was 4.45pm when anas called me to say that he was taking me out for dinner. of coz i was more than excited by that and was getting ready to leave the house to run a few errands before the meet. i had a tiny nagging feeling right after, to call him back and remind him to drive safely due to the heavy pour but as always, the thought just brushed itself away. at approximately 5pm, anas called to tell me that he was involved in an accident on the highway near rembau. at first i thought he was just pulling my legs as he sounded so calm. only after a minute did i realise that it was true. the heavy rain accumulated a puddle of water on the uneven part of the highway and caused the car to plunge straight into the hillside, not before making a 720 degrees spin on the road. it wasn't speed driving or anything, guess that's why it's called an accident. sometimes things just happen. thank god no other vehicles were involved and most importantly, anas escaped with nothing more than minor sprains. i finally reached there around 6.45pm. anas was safely waiting in the car and after a few moments with him, it finally hit me how disoriented he was. my poor baby cant even count right. 559-226=7..?! under the circumstances, it's understandable. =)
Friday, January 4, 2008
4am delight
'give me, give me.. give me, give me more'
yes britney, im listening.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
fast lane
if only we could actually just look to our side and ask if that person is feeling ok. if only we are courageous enough to care. if only we could know each others' names and remind ourselves that we do mean something.
well, im not over my holiday mood yet. maybe im missing someone. a certain somebody that could brighten my day. wish he could be nathan and just fly back for a cup of coffee. wouldn't that makes it just damn fabulous?!